Favourite Machine In The Gym:
H – The Squat Rack – it’s a serious challenge and it works every muscle in your body.
M – I like the Stepper and also just a standard Bench as it’s so versatile and I love step ups for great glute workout
Least Favourite Day:
H – Wednesday because it’s arm day, it burns a lot.
M – Always a Sunday as its the start of the week and after a good weekend can be hard sometimes
Favourite Drink At The Muscle Bar:
H – The Turkish Tea and also the Strawberry and Kiwi flavoured BCAA – they make it like slushy.
M – Coffee! A double espresso, five times a day.
Cheat Day Meal:
H – Lays Salt & Vinegar Crisps.
M – Anything chocolate or ice cream.
If You Had A Superpower What Would It Be?:
H – To turn all unhealthy food into health food (but make it still taste the same).
M – To fly, so I can be free and travel all over the world.
You’re Stuck On A Desert Island… What Three Things Do You Want There:
H – Maxine, Pizza and a Squat Rack.
M – A life’s supply of chocolate, Hud and our Dogs Kai and Max.